使用LEADTOOLS 框架实现一个Storage Commit

发布时间:2017/04/01 00:04 发布者:Richard.Ma



  1. 打开 Visual Studio 2005.

  2. 选择 文件->新建->项目.

  3. 新建项目 对话框中, 在项目类型列表中选择 Visual C#VB , 并在模板列表中选择 类库.

  4. 在项目名称字段中键入项目名称为SampleStorageCommit,然后单击 确定。 如果需要,键入项目的新位置或使用浏览按钮选择目录,然后单击确定

  5. 在“解决方案资源管理器”窗口中,右键单击“引用”,然后从菜单中选择“添加引用”。 在“添加引用”对话框中,选择“浏览”选项卡,然后转至 LEADTOOLS 19 \ Bin \ DotNet \ Win32文件夹,选择以下DLLS:

    • Leadtools.dllLeadtools.Dicom.dll
    • Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn.dll
    • Microsoft.Practices.Unity

    添加下面的 .NET 系统DLL:

    System.Core (.NET 3.5 dll)

  6. 单击确定按钮将上述DLL添加到应用程序。

  7. "解决方案管理器" 窗口右击 "SampleAddIn" 选择 添加->类 . 在"新建项" 对话框中, 在"名称" 字段中键入 StorageCommitAddIn.cs . 点击 "添加" 按钮.

  8. 打开 StorageCommitAddIn.cs文件添加以下使用语句:


    using Leadtools.Dicom; 
    using Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn; 
    using Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn.Interfaces; 
    using Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn.Attributes; 
    using Microsoft.Practices.Unity; 
  9. 将IProcessNAction 添加到StorageCommitAddIn 类派生列表中。 你的类应该如下所示:


    public class StorageCommitAddIn : IProcessNAction  
  10. 将DicomAddInAttribute添加到类声明中。 让服务知道该类处理Dicom消息。 添加属性后,该类应该如下所示:


    [DicomAddInAttribute("Storage Commit AddIn", "", Description = "Implements Storage Commitment", Author = "")] 
    public class StorageCommitAddIn : IProcessNAction 
  11. 右键单击IProcessNAction,然后从菜单中选择实现接口 - >实现接口。 你的类现在应该如下:


    public class StorageCommitAddIn : IProcessNAction 
       public DicomCommandStatusType OnNAction(DicomClient Client, byte PresentationId, int MessageID, string AffectedClass, string Instance, int Action, DicomDataSet Request, DicomDataSet Response) 
          throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented."); 
       #region IProcessBreak Members 
       public void Break(BreakType type) 
          throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented."); 
  12. 要告诉服务器我们感兴趣的响应, 我们需要通过OnNAction方法指定PresentationContextAttributes。这将允许服务器构建一个在客户端连接时使用的association 。 为了支持存储提交,我们需要确保对OnNAction方法属性如下:


    [PresentationContext(DicomUidType.StorageCommitmentPushModelClass, DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian)] 
    public DicomCommandStatusType OnNAction(DicomClient Client, byte PresentationId, int MessageID, string AffectedClass, string Instance, int Action, DicomDataSet Request, DicomDataSet Response) 
       throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented."); 
  13. 将以下支持属性添加到StorageCommitAddIn类中:


    private IDicomRequest _DicomRequest; 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Allows the user to send a DICOM request from an addin. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <value>The dicom request.</value> 
    public IDicomRequest DicomRequest 
          _DicomRequest = value; 
    private IAETitle _AeTitle; 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Let's get the AE title information. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <value>The AE title.</value> 
    public IAETitle AeTitle 
          _AeTitle = value; 

    上述代码使用Microsoft Unity依赖注入来获取实现我们的插件所需功能的注册接口。 例如,IDicomRequest接口由Leadtools.Dicom.Server.exe实现。

  14. 添加IProcessNAction接口的代码。 示例代码在单独的线程上处理提交请求,并在稍后响应客户端。 有关存储提交的完整工作示例,请参阅作为LEADTOOLS PACS Framework的一部分安装的Storage Commit加载项。 您的代码应如下所示:


    [PresentationContext(DicomUidType.StorageCommitmentPushModelClass, DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian)]  
    public DicomCommandStatusType OnNAction(DicomClient Client, byte PresentationId, int MessageID, string AffectedClass, string Instance, int Action, DicomDataSet Request, DicomDataSet Response)  
       DicomDataSet ds = new DicomDataSet(Client.Server.TemporaryDirectory); 
       // Copy the dataset. We will be using it in a thread so we need to copy  
       // it so will be available in the thread.  
       ds.Copy(Request, null, null); 
       // Process the commit on a separate thread. This will allow us to immediately  
       // return a notification to the client informing that we have received the  
       // message.  
       result = AsyncHelper.Execute(delegate() 
          DicomDataSet commitDS = new DicomDataSet(Client.Server.TemporaryDirectory); 
          PresentationContext pc = new PresentationContext(); 
          DicomRequest request = new DicomRequest(Client); 
          // At this point we would process the storage commit and build a response 
          // dataset. For a complete example of this refer to the sample storage commit 
          // add-in that ships with the LEADTOOLS PACS Framework. 
          // Prepare to send our response back to the requesting client 
          pc.AbstractSyntax = DicomUidType.StorageCommitmentPushModelClass;  
          request.RequireMessagePump = true; 
          request.ReceiveNReportResponse += new ReceiveNReportResponseDelegate(request_ReceiveNReportResponse); 
          request.ConnectType = ConnectType.Conditional; 
          _DicomRequest.SendNReportRequest(request, PresentationId, 1000, DicomUidType.StorageCommitmentPushModelClass,  
          DicomUidType.StorageCommitmentPushModelInstance,1, commitDS); 
       Response = null;  
       return DicomCommandStatusType.Success;  
    void request_ReceiveNReportResponse(DicomRequest request, byte presentationID, int messageID, string affectedClass, string instance, DicomCommandStatusType status, int dicomEvent, DicomDataSet dataSet) 
       // The LEADTOOLS PACS Framework provides a default implementation.  
  15. 添加对IProcessBreak界面的支持。 这允许停止StorageCommit操作。 将以下代码添加到您的StorageCommitAddin类中:


    private AsyncResult result = null; 
    public void Break(BreakType type) 
       // Stop the commit process if we received a request 
       // to stop processing 
       if(result != null && !result.IsCompleted) 
  16. 构建类库并获取输出并将其放在先前创建的服务器的AddIn目录中。

  17. 如果服务器正在运行,停止然后重新启动服务器。

  18. 有关Storage Commit的更实际的实现,请参阅LEADTOOLS PACS Framework安装附带的存储提交示例。


赋能开发者!葡萄城是专业的集开发工具、商业智能解决方案、低代码开发平台于一身的软件和服务提供商,为超过 75% 的全球财富 500 强企业提供服务。葡萄城专注控件软件领域30年,希望通过模块化的开发控件、灵活的低代码应用开发平台等一系列开发工具、解决方案和服务,帮助开发者快速响应复杂多变的业务需求,最大程度地发挥开发者的才智和潜能,让开发者的 IT 人生更从容更美好。
