Wijmo UI for the Web
wijinputnumber jQuery Widget
Show input as numeric, currency, or percentages, and add a spinner.
Javascript (Usage) 
$(function () {
    var options; // Type:  wijmo.input.wijinputnumber.options
Javascript (Specification) 
function wijinputnumber() : any;
Browser Compatibility
public OptionallowSpinLoop

Default value: false

Determines whether the spin behavior can wrap when reaching a maximum or minimum limit.

public OptionblurOnLeftRightKey

Default value: 'none'

Determines whether the focus automatically moves to the next or previous tab ordering control when pressing the left, right arrow keys. Possible values are "none", "left", "right", "both". The default value is "none".

public Optionculture

Default value: ""

Determines the culture used to show values in the wijinputdate widget.

public OptioncurrencySymbol

Default value: null

Determine the current symbol when number type is currency.

public OptiondecimalPlaces

Default value: 2

Indicates the number of decimal places to display.

public OptiondropDownButtonAlign

Default value: 'right'

Determines the side, left or right, where the dropdown button appear. Possible values are: 'left', 'right'

public OptionhideEnter

Default value: false

If true, then the browser response is disabled when the ENTER key is pressed.

public OptionimeMode

Default value: ""

Determines the input method setting of widget. Possible values are: 'auto', 'active', 'inactive', 'disabled'

public Optionincrement

Default value: 1

Determines how much to increase/decrease the input field.

public OptioninvalidClass

The CSS class applied to the widget when an invalid value is entered.

public OptionmaxValue

Default value: 1000000000

Determines the maximum value that can be entered for numeric/percent/currency inputs.

public OptionminValue

Default value: 0

Determines the minimal value that can be entered for numeric/percent/currency inputs.

public OptionnegativeClass

Determine the class string that when the input value is negative.

public OptionnegativePrefix

Default value: null

Determine the prefix string used for negative value.

public OptionnegativeSuffix

Default value: null

Determine the suffix string used for negative value.

public Optionpickers

Type: wijmo.input.PickerClass

An object contains the settings for the dropdown list.

public Optionplaceholder

Determines the text displayed when the widget is blank and contains no initial text.

public OptionpositivePrefix

Default value: null

Determine the prefix string used for positive value.

public OptionpositiveSuffix

Default value: null

Determine the suffix stirng used for positive value.

public Optionreadonly

Default value: false

Determines whether a user can enter a value in the wijinput widget. If readonly is true, user can't input value to the wijinput widget.

public OptionshowDropDownButton

Default value: false

Determines whether dropdown button is displayed.

public OptionshowGroup

Default value: false

Indicates whether the thousands group separator will be inserted between between each digital group (number of digits in thousands group depends on the selected Culture).

public OptionshowSpinner

Default value: false

Determines whether spinner button is displayed.

public OptionspinDown

Default value: null

The spinDown event handler. A function called when spin down event fired.

public OptionspinnerAlign

Default value: 'verticalRight'

Determines the side, left or right, where the spinner button appear. Possible values are: 'vertialLeft', 'verticalRight', 'horizontalDownLeft', 'horizontalUpLeft'. The default value is 'verticalRight'.

public OptionspinUp

Default value: null

The spinUp event handler. A function called when spin up event fired.

public Optiontype

Default value: 'numeric'

Determines the type of the number input. Possible values are: 'numeric', 'percent', 'currency'.

public Optionvalue

Default value: 0

Determines the default numeric value.

public MethoddestroyDestroy the widget.  
public MethoddropOpen the dropdown list.  
public MethodfocusSet the focus to the widget.  
public MethodgetPostValueGets the text value when the container form is posted back to server.  
public MethodgetTextGets the text displayed in the input box.  
public MethodgetValueGets the value.  
public MethodisDestroyedGet a bool value indicates that whether the widget has been destroyed.  
public MethodisFocusedDetermines whether the widget has the focus.  
public MethodisValueNullDetermines whether the value is in null state.  
public MethodselectTextSelects a range of text in the widget.  
public MethodsetTextSets the text displayed in the input box.  
public MethodsetValueSets the value.  
public MethodspinDownPerforms spin down by the specified field and increment value.  
public MethodspinUpPerforms spin up by the specified field and increment value.  
public MethodwidgetGets element this widget is associated.  
public EventdropDownButtonMouseDownThe dropdownButtonMouseDown event handler. A function called when the mouse is pressed down on the dropdown button.  
public EventdropDownButtonMouseUpThe dropdownButtonMouseUp event handler. A function called when the mouse is released on the dropdown button.  
public EventdropDownCloseThe dropdownClose event handler. A function called before the widget's dropdown closed.  
public EventdropDownOpenThe dropdownOpen event handler. A function called before the widget's dropdown opened.  
public EventinitializedThe initialized event handler. A function called after the widget is initialized.  
public EventinitializingThe initializing event handler. A function called before the widget is initialized.  
public EventinvalidInputThe invalidInput event handler. A function called when invalid charactor is typed.  
public EventtextChangedFired when the widget text is changed.  
public EventvalueBoundsExceededThe valueBoundsExceeded event handler. A function called when the value of the input exceeds the valid range.  
public EventvalueChangedThe valueChanged event handler. A function called when the value of the input is changed.  

See Also




wijinputnumber jQuery Widget



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