Wijmo UI for the Web
options type
Inheritance Hierarchy


Browser Compatibility
public OptionallowMoving

Default value: true

A value indicating whether the column can be moved.

public OptionallowSizing

Default value: true

A value indicating whether the column can be sized.

public OptioncellFormatterThis function is called each time wijgrid needs to create cell content. This occurs when rows are being rendered or cell editing is about to finish. You can use it to customize cell content.  
public Optioncolumns

Type: wijmo.grid.IColumn[]

Default value: []

Gets a array of objects representing the band columns.

public Optioncreate  
public OptiondataKey

A value indicating the key of the data field associated with a column. If an array of objects is used as a datasource for wijgrid, this should be string value, otherwise this should be an integer determining an index of the field in the datasource.

public Optiondisabled  
public OptionensurePxWidth

Determines whether to use number type column width as the real width of the column.

public OptionfooterText

Gets or sets the footer text. The text may include a placeholder: "undefined" is replaced with the aggregate.

public OptionheaderText

Gets or sets the header text.

public OptiontextAlignment

Gets or sets the text alignment of data cells. Possible values are "left", "right", "center".

public Optionvisible

Default value: true

A value indicating whether column is visible.

public Optionwidth

Determines the width of the column.

See Also


wijmo.grid.c1band Namespace



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