Wijmo UI for the Web
position Option

Specifies where the dialog should be displayed. The dialog will handle collisions such that as much of the dialog is visible as possible.

Javascript (Usage) 
$(function () {
    // Get value
    var returnsValue; // Type:  any
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijdialog("option", "position");
    // Set value
    var newValue; // Type:  any
    $(".selector").wijdialog("option", "position", newValue);
Javascript (Specification) 
var position : any;
Multiple types supported: Object: Identifies the position of the dialog when opened. The of option defaults to the window, but you can specify another element to position against. You can refer to the jQuery UI Position utility for more details about the various options. String: A string representing the position within the viewport. Possible values: "center", "left", "right", "top", "bottom". Array: An array containing an x, y coordinate pair in pixel offset from the top left corner of the viewport or the name of a possible string value.
Browser Compatibility

See Also


options type
wijdialog jQuery Widget



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