Wijmo UI for the Web
dataType Field

Column data type. Used to determine the rules for sorting, grouping, aggregate calculation, and so on. Possible values are: "string", "number", "datetime", "currency" and "boolean".

Javascript (Usage) 
var value; // Type: string
value = jQuery.wijmo.c1field.options.dataType;
Javascript (Specification) 
var dataType : string;
$("#element").wijgrid({ columns: [{ dataType: "string" }]});
Possible values are: "string": if using built-in parser any values are acceptable; " " considered as an empty string, nullString as null. "number": if using built-in parser only numeric values are acceptable, also " ", "" and nullString which are considered as null. Any other value throws an exception. "datetime": if using built-in parser only date-time values are acceptable, also " ", "" and nullString which are considered as null. Any other value throws an exception. "currency": if using built-in parser only numeric and currency values are acceptable, also " ", "" and nullString which are considered as null. Any other value throws an exception. "boolean": if using built-in parser only "true" and "false" (case-insensitive) values are acceptable, also " ", "" and nullString which are considered as null. Any other value throws an exception.
Browser Compatibility

See Also


options type



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